Saturday, November 17, 2007


To those who have been on the edge of your seats to get more info about the Marc and Marie Johnson family, now you have it at the click of a mouse. We hope to keep this up to date so you don't miss out on too much. Enjoy!


Berry Family said...

Yay! We are excited to see that some one in the family has a blog. We are excited for you on the new addition - Congrats again! We love ya guys!!!

James R. Allred said...

Great blog, even greater Baby. So good to hear from you.

James & Donnell

Martha said...

Marc and Marie - I found your blog through Kristen. So glad you found one. I hope you keep the updates coming, it is so fun to see friends of long ago. We're just the other side of the state in Meridian. Hope to stay in touch.